The story of my trip around the world to train, teach and compete in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and other grappling arts.

Crazy Manila training schedule!

Ok so I just bought a ticket for Boracay on saturday. I have a ton of invitations from people here in Manila, so it looks like it is going to be a very busy schedule the next few days. So far, this is what I got:

Today 4.00: Submission Sports
Today 7.30: Newbreed BJJ
Tomorrow 8:00: B.A.M.F.

I will also try to find time for two or three other places if it fits the schedule. With so many invitations and so little time, unfortunately I cant visit everyone even though I would love to :-/ The KMA guys I trained with last night have a Nogi class in another gym tonight that I wanted to attend, but that would mean I had to cut out visiting Newbreed, which was the first guys I talked to a oolong time ago about coming here.

Anyways looking forward to training again today and of course to go to Boracay on Saturday. Beneath is a photo of the view of the Manila favela from our love hotel room and one from Boracay five years back.

2 Responses Subscribe to comments

  1. Soren


    Apr 07, 2011 @ 07:38

  2. Robert McMasters

    I feel like I’m having deja vu with the ol’ jumping-air-guitar-playing picture…

    Apr 07, 2011 @ 23:57

